2 de janeiro de 2009

Antiquated Photos - Bannack, Montana

I took these photos at a ghost town (national park) called Bannack, Montana a couple years ago. I decided to get them out again and give them an "old" look and feel in Photoshop. I call it the "Antiquated Effect." It is a combination of textures, levels and saturation. I have used it on other images of buildings and people. I will post some others in the coming days.

For more information about Bannack, Montana follow this link.

2 comentários:

  1. I have to admit you are pretty dang good!!!! My goodness Chris, you impress me everyday.
    Those are some awesome images and the effects you used are pretty good too. Of course the model in a couple of the pictures made it even better..heheh..
    Love you.

  2. Nossa que massa...um dia pretendo fazer um curso de fotografia...acho bem dah hora....
    parabens tens um talento e tanto...e uma modelo LINDA....
    parabens Chris...
